Tuesday, April 12, 2011

The Truth as I See It

Good afternoon beautiful people! Today's post is coming out a little earlier than usual but I’m trying something new. The other night I was talking with a close friend of mine and she asked a question that every woman has asked at one point and time in their life, " Where are all the good men?" Well guess what beautiful people I have come up with a valid answer. There are two maybe three possibilities.
1. He is already with an amazing woman
             Have you ever seen those couples when you out dining alone? (why does that always happen...Kayne shrug) They always seem to look so happy and complement each other perfectly. They even look like they have similar features. Don't be jealous your great man could be around the corner.
2. He is not into women
              Not much to elaborate on this one. He just ain’t that into you honey, he’s looking for a man himself. Watch out ladies this is the one who always rambles and can talk for hours about nothing.
 (just like a bestie..huh)
3. He is with a trifling woman.
              You might not believe this last statement but it is true. Many good men are with women that are trifling. It happens because of the 90 day rule. She seems too good to be true. Well she is! She is only acting like a caring woman to reel him in, once she sinks her claws into him it’s a done deal. (quietly snickers)

But seriously folks that's the reasons take it or leave it. All I got to say is you just have to be more careful! 


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