Monday, July 4, 2011

Losing Respect

Happy Fourth of July!!! I hope you are enjoying the extended weekend with family and friends.  I'm not trying to take too much of your time so today's post will be brief.

We have all been at that point in our life where we didn't want a relationship but wanted all the benefits that come with it;quality time, gifts and the experience. There is nothing wrong with not wanting to be fully committed to someone (titles) but you are selling yourself short trying to get "the experience". If you want them to really respect you don't do it. They will probably see you as someone they can't take seriously. The person you are fooling with is okay with the fact that this is only a temporary, casual and non committal thing. Yeah you may agree to this but what if you start to have feelings for this person or you end on bad terms....are you willing to loose a friend because of that?


Monday, June 13, 2011

Grown Men and Gossip Pt.2 (The Other Woman)

Last weeks post I talked to the men about gossiping with other women and how it can cause relationship issues. I also stated in that post that once the info is out women can either help or destroy the relationship. If you didn't read it here's a recap. Pt. 1 Well ladies today I want to address your faults in this issue.  Confronting the other woman.

Please do yourself a favor when you realize your relationship issues have been exposed to another woman. Don't confront all.....ever. This is what she wants and you would look like a fool. I won't say she didn't know because she did.. The person you should definitely speak with is your beau.  When you confront him don't be the crazy girlfriend. You know the one you see on TV breaking things, yelling while moving herarms all over the place. Instead talk to him in a calm yet stern voice. This will scare the shit out of him. He expects you to go crazy just so he can have a reason to leave. So that the other woman can have him. She wants to destroy what you have and he is possibly stuck in the middle. (unless this is his way of saying I'm done) This is when you have the decision to work it out or leave. Hopefully its not too late to repair the damage that has been created. Only thing is that once he breaks your trust which he has done it takes a lot to repair it. Are you up for the challenge?


Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Grown Men and Gossip Pt.1

Men gossip more than women do. Point blank period. If you didn't already realize that then you must be living under a rock. Glad you're back with us. So..I don't have a problem with men gossiping because I do it daily. The problem that many other women and I  have is when you open your mouth to other women about our relationship issues. You are causing more trouble than you know. Well....there is probably a reason behind it but that is another post for another day. When you tell another woman your relationship issues she has two options; help or destroy. Let me give you an example;

Mike:Things are not going well with Ashley and I.
Dawn: Really??? Whats wrong?
Mike: I mean she just complain about little stuff. I told her I was with the guys and I came in after 2am.
Dawn: Why would she be upset you told her you was hanging out it ain't like she don't spend time with her girls! Just silly.I mean the clubs are open to at least 3.She act like you was with another girl. You sure do know how to pick them.
Mike: That's exactly what I said. She just don't know that I....never mind I just wish she could be understanding like you.
Dawn: Ain't nobody like me babe.(chuckles)

I could be exaggerating but sooner or later this is guaranteed to happen. Women can be very manipulative and competitive when we see something we want. I want to talk more about this the next two days since other things also factor into this issue.


Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Who cares its just Facebook

Short and sweet is what its gonna be tonight peeps.

When I first registered for Facebook, I was excited to reunite with people I haven't seen in a few years. Now I look at it as an excuse for people to be nosey or cause drama. I rarely find myself posting statuses throughout the day. Now I'm not saying I don't look at the website during the week because I do.
However, I usually see the same things; relationship updates, party invitations by club promoters or friend request with people I don't even know. Its so frustrating. To be honest every time you change your relationship status from single to complicated it makes you look indecisive. Just because we have six mutal friends doesn't mean that I know you personally, we just hang around the same crowd. I know you are doing your job but seriously Im not interested in parties that have sexual innuendos in the title such as Barely There Party. Not my thing anymore so sorry. I now see why many of my friends are deleting their page.

Are you fed up with Facebook as well?


Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Second Best

Relationships are never easy. It can become even more complicated when you add another person to the equation. Whether it is emotional or physical cheating, its still the same. Someone is playing second best.

Sometimes you can fall victim to this without even realizing what is going on. You might have a platonic friend that is in a relationship and tells you all their problems. Mistake number 1. Don't allow them to confide in you especially if there is the slightest attraction between one another. You might begin to take sides and become emotionally attached. Thinking they will leave their partner is mistake number 2. That will never happen and if they do it rarely will be you.

Physical cheating is being selfish plain and simple. You feel as if two are better than one when really you should just be single. If you cant commit fully to one person why hurt their feelings? People react to things differently what you might feel as a small mistake they may see as grounds for a breakup. That's when things become messy.

Relationships are difficult but with hard work anything is possible.


Monday, May 30, 2011

Relax and Unwind

Hope you all had a great weekend. Since it's Memorial Day some are still enjoying their three day weekend. So, its official summer and I have absolutely nothing planned. Only because I plan to relax and unwind before the fall semester of school. Last weekend was very relaxing, I spent time with my family and my sweetheart.

Friday I went to a new poetry spot called Nashville Social Exchange, it was very nice. Something different than the usual club or bar scene. Everyone was cordial with one another. there was a live band and they rocked the house, every member was great at their own talent. Saturday I spent the afternoon learning  more about my area. Since I recently moved I still don't know where everything is. It was quite an adventure, good thing my sweetheart was there to guide me along the way.

Saturday evening I played cards at my cousins. I love playing cards with her. We talk a lot of trash especially me and I usually end up losing. Or maybe I just let her win. I will never tell. But, that is usually how our impromptu parties get started. All we need is a deck of  cards, a little family gossip and a good bottle of wine. Sunday I went to a birthday party with my sweetheart. It was nice. His cousin, the birthday girl had a great time. She had so many cards and cash!! I realized that I will be having more parties in the future. Hopefully I be as lucky as her when mine comes.....(June 16)

Today, Monday, I hope to get some things around the house done. I still have a few things here and there to put up. But I couldn't do that until I talked with my followers. I also want to get finished with my list.  (The List) I'm currently working on number 3 cooking more and trying new meals.

How was your weekend? Did you spend time relaxing or was it a busy three days? If you started a list how far are you from completion and what is going to be on your next list?

 Have a great Memorial Day!!!


Tuesday, May 10, 2011

No One's Perfect/ Breaking Promises

So if you can recall a previous post Welcome Back I stated that you wouldn't have to wait longer than two days for a new post. Clearly I was unable to keep my promise. But if you didn't know by now promises are meant to be broken. I didn't want it to happen but life happens. We do it all the time ladies, like when we change our mind about different things, we have broken a promise. You might not say i promise but by just speaking what your plans are its a commitment that the other person is expecting to happen. So if you think you might not be able to be committed don't make plans to do anything. Just be unpredictable but don't expect a lot of people to be okay with that.  Good Luck.


Wednesday- Its Just Facebook