Monday, March 7, 2011

Weekend Recap

Since Mondays are such a drag I decided to lighten up what is considered the worst day of the week by recapping my weekend. Friday night I went to Chili's to  meet up with the girls after work. While enjoying happy hour I noticed that we weren't the only ones hanging out with our buddies that evening. Across the way were four handsome young man which is very rare. Most of the time not everyone in the group in attractive. I wont go into details on that...(another post another day). After dinner we went to see Adjustment Bureau starring Matt Damon, if you haven't seen the movie I definitely suggest you do. Its a romantic thriller(new category) about free will not being a choice and everything is already planned by a special group(hint:adjustment bureau). Matt Damon meets a woman one evening and everything that was planned could change for the worst if the bureau cant get things fixed. Once again definitely go see it. Saturday was cold and rainy so I stayed in and caught up on sleep. Sunday I went to the Muse which is a club for amateur artists to perform. It was quite interesting. I love supporting the upcoming groups however, it has to be original. There was one poet that stood out to me, to bad I cant remember his stage name. (sorry) His performace was amazing he didnt just deliver his poem but he worked the crowd and I loved that about him.
What interesting things did you do this weekend? Did you see Adjustment Bureau, if so what were your thoughts on the movie?
This weekend preview: checking out the new club "The Theatre"


1 comment:

  1. the muse sounds interesting! i still havent seen that movie and want to see it. :(
