Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Spring Cleaning

Every year around this time my mother always made me prepare for spring and summer by putting away the winter clothes and reorganizing the closet. Now that I'm older I have turned her cleaning aspect into a new concept. I'm cleaning my "closet" of all the men from last season. Don't get me wrong they were great for the time being but why stay complacent when I could always upgrade. Think about it like this you have the jeans that hug your waist just right. Every time you wear them you turn heads, now one day you're window shopping and you happen to see the perfect pair of jeans. You try them on and its like nothing you've ever worn. Why wouldn't you take a break from the old pair to break in the new one? That's all I'm saying folks give yourself time to try something new and give that man a break. Who knows he may realize you are a little distant and step his game up. That's when competition begins. May the best one win!


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