Thursday, March 3, 2011

All my Single Ladies!

So yesterday's blog I talked about switching up the scenery but I realized that I left out a very important group......single ladies. So what if your not dating someone take this time to work on you. Before you get upset hear me out ladies. I'm not saying anything is wrong with you but don't you always say to yourself "if only". So look at it this way here is your time to improve you. If you thought about taking a new exercise class, do it. If you thought about going on a daycation with your girls but they backed out, go by yourself. If you wanted to accomplish a goal in your life, do it. I could go on but I won't. I know you get the picture. I promise you ladies that focusing on you while your single is the best thing you can do. It will keep you busy and you possibly won't run into the same crowd. So think about things you wanted to accomplish and do it. I'll go first here is my list, yours can be mental but if you right it down it will help. Im only listing a few so that once thats finish I can move on. Good luck ladies!!! We can do it together.
1.Start my own blog-done
2.Go to the gym more often
3.Cook more/try new meals
4.Visit a new city alone
****when you've completed the list start a new one*****


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